Monday, August 30, 2004

Home again

Well, the holiday was good. Eventful but good (and definitely much needed!). My luggage didn't turn up till a day after we arrived, and Paula's turned up the day before we left for home. Minus her GameBoy. (Who has GameBoys these days?! Not Paula now anyway... Thought those things were antiques...)

The city centre of Prague is really nice - though full of tourists... don'tcha just hate tourists? ;-)

Unfortunately, we were staying in one of the suburbs which looked like a cross between the Scottish Parliament building site about 2 years ago, and Stalin's Russia.

I got back on Monday, had one day off to recover, then was back in work Wednesday. Was feeling very refreshed and enthusiastic too. On Wednesday. Kinda started wearing off on Thursday, though! Probably back to normal when I head back in the morning...!

One week of Parliamentary Recess left, then it's back to the grind again. Going for our tour of Holyrood on Tuesday, and our "familiarisation session" on Wednesday. I went down to the Parliament building the week before I went on holiday, expecting to hate it. In fact, from the short tour of it I got (not all areas were open then) I really liked it. Inside it's very impressive, the entrance hall as you come out of Queensbury House into the new building is superb. (see the photo!)


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