Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Never settle for the path of least resistance

The title has no relevance to anything whatsoever I'm about to post, it's just a lyric in a song I'm listening to right now that grabbed my attention when I was looking for a title... [for those anoraks out there, the song's "I Hope You Dance" by Ronan Keating - amazing what random stuff iTunes throws up sometimes...!]

I've been horrendously busy at work the last few weeks. Plus I'm getting double glazing in my flat, so I've had to organise that.

Since I last posted, I finished Series One of the West Wing, and I'm now about half way through Series Two. And fortunately, after my near-vampiric nocturnalism over Christmas while I was staying with my parents, I'm back to normal hours. Or as close to normal as you get in my job...

I'm still in shock that people left comments to my last post - I didn't realise people out there were reading my blog! Nice to know there are, though! ;-)

I fully intend to write more frequently again now... just January is always such a horrible month, I think everyone retreats back into their shells and I'm no exception!

Tonight I'm listening to: random iTunes selections from about 15GB on my hard drive...
Tomorrow I'm: tearing my hair out at work again...!


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