Thursday, September 09, 2004

Dazed and confused

Quick post tonight, as I'm heading for bed.

I'm always on the lookout for new artists to listen to. I've just ordered a CD by Karine Polwart (an Edinburgh-based musician). Will let you know what it's like when I've heard it.

I've been listening to Snow Patrol quite a lot this week (despite Franz Ferdinand winning the Mercury Music Prize! Though I did play along on the guitar to Take Me Out last night...) - really into their track "Chocolate" on "The Final Straw".

Right - time to go and read a couple of chapters of Bill Bryson (Notes from a Big Country) before I go to sleep.


Tonight I'm listening to: U2
Tomorrow I'll be: blooming confused and thinking it's Friday because FMQs was on Wednesday instead of Thursday...


Blogger Mike said...

I should have let you all know what this cd is like before now! It's excellent - and Karine won the Horizon award (bes newcomer), Best Album and Best Original Song at the BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards this week. Worth a listen - if you've got broadband, follow this link, and lick on performances, the select Karine's song The Sun's Comin' Over The Hill:

18 February 2005 at 00:06  

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