Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Got my hair, got my head, got my brains, got my ears, got my eyes, got my nose, got my mouth, I got my smile...

OK, I was really struggling for a song tonight for the blog title! (it's by Nina Simone, in case you can't place it!)

So... spring looks like it's arriving in Edinburgh. The crocuses are in flower and the snow's gone, apartfrom on the Pentland hills.

The nicest thing I've noticed over the past couple of days is that the hillside next to the path where I walk on the way to and from work has had its grass cut, and the smell of the cut grass as I've been heading home from work on an evening has just been gorgeous. It's reminded me of school and cricket.

Which reminds me, I've had an invitation to play cricket this year! I'm going to pop along and see if I can remember which end of a bat is which. I've not played in about 10 years, since I was at school, and I'm really looking forward to it! I should probably start getting more exercise in to get me a bit fitter for the cricket season...

Tonight: watching West Wing series 3...
Tomorrow I'll be: considering going swimming! Only considering, mind you...! ;-)


Blogger MissAstridxxx said...

Think you are right about the Spring thing and I cant wait...I think I'm really an autumn person as I love when all the trees go orange and brown but anything is better than the eternal blooming cold we've been having. SK ;0

14 March 2005 at 00:24  

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