Thursday, February 10, 2005

I Just Don't Know What To Do With Myself

OK, rock night tonight - had the Zutons, Franz Ferdinand, Scissor Sisters, Outkast, and the White Stripes on so far tonight!

Oh, the excitement - I've got a day off work tomorrow... to get double glazing fitted. Joy.

So if you don't hear from me again, it's because I've turned into an ice block while they take the flat's windows out!

Tonight I'm listening to: loud stuff
Tomorrow I'll be: freezing...


Blogger MissAstridxxx said...

Hoping that you didn't turn into a block of ice and instead are now all cosy and warm due to the double glazing. Thank God the nights are beginning...if only get a tad lighter and not quite as cold.
I've been listening to the scissor sisters too recently (although do you really think they could be classed as rock?). I had to explain to my friend recently what their name meant. And I still laugh when I think of her wee face going all red with embarrassment.
Also still listening to Maroon 5 non stop. Cant get enough of that album. SK

16 February 2005 at 00:10  
Blogger Mike said...

And what does their name mean?


16 February 2005 at 23:59  
Blogger MissAstridxxx said...

I would explain but I wouldn't want to scare/excite anyone else reading this! ;)

18 February 2005 at 19:36  

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